Dear ,
How can anti-discrimination legislation be properly implemented if victims face difficulties in accessing justice? This is the key question that I presented earlier this month at a LIBE Committee workshop "The EU as a Union of Equality?". My address to the committee, which you can rewatch here, was based on the extensive research conducted by the European Network of legal experts in the field of gender equality and non-discrimination, of which I am the Specialist Coordinator in Non-Discrimination Law.
We have also just published the 5th episode of our podcast, Changing the Table. In it we explore elections, getting out the vote of mobile voters (naturalised migrants and EU citizens who have moved within the EU) and the complexity of what representation actually means. We do this together with our guest speakers Samira Brahimi and Dr. Thomas Huddleston. This episode offers practical insights on how to encourage and enable mobile voters to take part in elections.
And lasty, with EU elections looming on the horizon, MPG is organising a webinar on Thursday 18/04 (14:00 – 15:30 CET), fifty days before the elections, that will explore what messaging works best to encourage mobile voters to go out and vote.
Warm regards Isabelle Chopin, Director of MPG
MPG's director Isabelle Chopin addresses LIBE Committee on difficulties experienced by discrimination victims in accessing justice
MPG’s Director, Isabelle Chopin, was invited to address the MEPs of the LIBE Committee in a workshop session on equality in the EU.
“How could legislation be properly implemented if victims have difficulties in accessing justice? This is translated by the lack of awareness (training seems to be necessary for the judiciary, lawyers, police…etc.), the length of judicial proceedings, the scarce or non-existent legal aid and assistance to victims, the legal costs, the difficult legal standing for organisations, the functioning of Equality Bodies and more important the fact that sanctions are not proportionate, effective and dissuasive.”
Changing the Table - Episode 5: "Someone who looks like me, doesn't necessarily look at me"
In the 5th episode of our podcast our host Seden Anlar explores elections, getting out the vote and representation together with guest speakers Samira Brahimi (DiasporaVota Ambassador) and Dr. Thomas Huddleston, MPG's former Head of Research and a leading expert on migration, integration and inclusion. Looking for practical advice on how to encourage people with a migration background to vote? Then this episode is for you.
MPG is committed to advancing anti-discrimination polcies through its innovative research and networks. This month, the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination, of which MPG's Director Isabelle Chopin is the Specialist Coordinator in Non-Discrimination Law, published three new reports.
The Comparative Analysis of Non-Discrimination law in Europe - 2023 offers an excellent comparison of transposition of non-discrimination law in all 27 EU member states combined with an overview of general trends in European anti-discrimination policy.
The thematic report Court practices regarding disability discrimination, including reasonable accomodation, at EU and Member State level, examines jurisprudence interpreting the prohibition of disability discrimination and the duty to provide reasonable accommodation that is developing within the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), in the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and in national courts and quasi-judicial equality bodies across the EU.
And lastly the thematic report on The legal framework to combat antisemitism in the European Union, provides a comparative overview of how these legal instruments have been complied with in the 27 EU Member States, and establishes how and to what extent the legal framework and its practical application in the different Member States provide protection against antisemitism.
VoteEuropa Webinar - Effective messaging to get-out-the-vote
On Thursday 18/04 (14:00 – 15:30 CET), fifty days before the elections, we are organising an online panel discussion that will explore what messaging works best to encourage mobile voters to go out and vote.
If you work for or are part of a grassroots organisation, migrant-led organisation or a civil society organisation, then this webinar is for you. You will be able to listen to the experiences of peers from across Europe.
The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique tool which measures integration policies in 56 countries across 8 policy areas. It provides up-to-date, comprehensive research data and analysis on which to base policies, proposals for change and projects.
Here are this month's MIPEX citations:
“Fostering Social Inclusion of People in Situations of Vulnerability: Experiences from the Italian and Portuguese Contexts”by Valeria Damiani et al., published in Springer.